Wednesday, November 11, 2009

A Big Boy Tray for Michael

11/11/09 3:00 p.m. Update from Tonja; Michael has been up twice in a chair and is doing his physical therapy right now....ate regular food today. The nurses said he is doing AMAZING!!!

11/11/09 1:00 p.m. Update from Riana; Tonja said Mike is doing well, sat up in chair this morning for about 1/2 hour. He was sleeping when she texted me

11/10/09 7:35 p.m. Update from Tonja; Michael finally got his food.....chicken broth, strawberry ice and grape juice. Next we move up to the big boy He is doing well, I am still amazed that just yesterday they removed his heart and put in someone elses'....CRAZY!!!!! hugs and kisses to all

Oh, for those following the adventures of Marbles, the family dog, you'll be happy to know he's been retrieved. He was found to be visiting the local pound. The day of Michael's transplant, Tonja had to make a quick trip to the pound to retrieve him. Cost her $30.00. Hopefully he will behave and stay out of doggy jail. The photo above is Marbles.

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